


営業時間 10:00〜20:00
定休日 月曜日・木曜日
電話番号 080-6791-7870

都営三田線 板橋区役所前 徒歩4分
国際興業バス 仲宿 徒歩4分

西東京市 K.M様 29歳 女性 通訳

After 2 failed rounds of IVF.I wanted to do everything I could to help the 3rd cycle be successful.Practitioner Kimura’s acupuncture helped me relax and restored my body to a healthy condition.My 3rd IVF cycle was successful and I am so thankful for what this treatment place did for me.Practitioner Kimura is extremely knowledgeable and the treatments changed each time based on where I was in my cycle.I always left feeling refreshed and relaxed.Thank you so much!!

※These are personal experiences and impressions that do not guarantee the effect.
